Individuals face a lot of hassles in compiling their trading records and arriving at their short term and long term profits and losses. We have a product to facilitate just this.
Abacus is Cloud based Personal Investment Management Software to assist Individuals manage their investments. Salient features include –
- Supports Multiple Markets and Asset Classes like Bonds, Derivatives, Equities, FDs, Mutual funds, Rent receivables etc
- Integrated with complete financial accounting module including Personal Accounting, Assets Management, Investment Management, Capital Markets and Mutual Funds Trade & Investment Management
- Downloads closing prices directly from exchange website
- Computes Capital Gains and Losses using approved accounting methods
- Easy switch over between members and financial accounting years
- Investment portfolio reporting like transactions, holdings, capital gains, performance etc.
50+ customized and Detailed Reports that can be quickly generated at any time – for investment performance, taxation and analysis